Center for Supportive Schools (CSS) helps NYC Community Schools provide student leadership opportunities, strong family partnerships, engaging academic instruction, social services for families and community members, and professional learning opportunities for teachers. CSS has partnered with NMBA since 2015.
Astor Services for Children & Families is a community based, non-profit organization that provides children’s mental health services, child welfare services, and early childhood development programs. Through Astor Services, students and families are eligible to receive free, in-school therapy and counseling.
Salvadori Programming provides academically rigorous in-school and after-school STEAM programs to K-12 students in all 5 boroughs. As a long-standing partner to NMBA, Salvadori gives our students the opportunity to build the skills needed to pursue a career inscience, technology, engineering, arts, and math through their hands-on, project-based courses.
West Side Campaign Against Hunger’s (WSCAH) mission is to alleviate hunger by ensuring that all New Yorkers have access with dignity to a choice of healthy food and supportive services. All families are able to receive fresh groceries once a month through our partnership with WSCAH.